Medium ········· Digital
Publisher ······ The Globe and Mail
Art Director.... Benjamin MacDonald
Language ······· English


I was extremely happy to be able to create this editorial illustrations for the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail.

The story is the main feature of the section "Persuits" and focuses on the new book Wellmania, by Brigid Delaney . The book covers the extremes of the wellness craze.

Medium ········· Digital
Publisher ······ Brigitte Magazine
Picture Editor.. Stefan Becker
Language ······· German

New Ideals of Beauty

I loved working on this illustration for the Brigittte Magazine. The articles talked about the current ideals of beauty and each illustration represented different aspects in our beauty culture.


Top Left: “Fat but happy“   |   Top Right: "The excessive demands of beauty today"
Thigh Gap & Ab Crack|   Bottom Right: “Fat but happy 2”

Photos: Diego de la Rocha

Medium ········· Digital
Publisher ······ Self Published
Language ······· English


Is a zine about self esteem and the struggle that is unfortunately still so common amongst most girls.

2017 — Frogtown, Los Angeles